Evacuation Chairs for Schools: 5 Things to Know

Evacuation Chairs for Schools: 5 Things to Know

Aimee Quinones |

Emergencies don’t stick to a schedule, and planning for them can be challenging for schools, where it can feel like you’re continuously reacting to incidents. As an EMT, or teacher it can be incredibly tough to evacuate large groups of students, some of which may have mobility impairments. As a Health and Safety officer, ensuring your teachers or first responders are equipped for success also takes careful planning. 

Thankfully, evacuation chairs are often worth their weight in gold in an emergency, as they require no installation and are quick and efficient to use. 

Here’s what you need to know.

Why You Need an Emergency Evacuation Chair

States and local governments are required to have emergency preparedness programs readily available for schools. These programs should be a part of the students’ 504 plan or IEP process and should cover: risk identification, equipment required and completed training. 

Evacuation chairs help meet these requirements efficiently, as they are designed to evacuate non-ambulatory persons and while ensuring the safety of the transporter. 

5 Things To Know When Considering Your Options


1. Your evacuation solution needs to be versatile….

Schools have large groups of students, and their needs are always changing. School emergency evacuation procedures therefore need to cater for people with a range of disabilities. Your solution needs to be able to move people quickly and safely during any type of emergency, regardless of their impairment. Permanently installed stair chairs can often be rendered useless during emergencies as they need power to function. Meanwhile, alternative evacuation tools don’t always cater to a range of disabilities, or need specialist training before they can be used safely. As each school differs, so does their layout and terrain, even if your school does not have stairs, an evac chair remains faster than carrying someone. Thankfully, evacuation chairs are versatile, and can easily be used by teachers, caregivers and EMTs alike. 

2. …and it also needs to be cost-effective.

Evacuation chairs can be a cost-effective emergency-preparedness solution, especially as they don’t need to be operated by specialists. A well-made evac chair can last a lifetime if properly used and stored. As they have no additional set-up or installation they are also less likely to suffer from wear and tear. However, because you may need to invest in multiple evacuation chairs, it’s essential you get your money's worth. When weighing up your options, make sure to compare their benefits and features with the price displayed — sometimes paying a little more is well worth it. Read more in our blog post on factors affecting emergency evacuation chair prices

3. Which kind of evacuation chair is best suited to your needs?

Some chairs are built for occasional use, while others are designed for the daily professional demands faced by first responders and emergency medical personnel. Which best suits your needs? While they’re lightweight by design, the lightest chair may not be intended for regular use. For example, the EZ Lite Evac Chair weighs 22lbs and is perfect for home use, while the more robust EZ Evacuation Chair weighs in at 39lbs but is built to withstand the rigors of daily use.

4. Evacuation chairs can be less intimidating for children…

In difficult situations like emergencies, children can be too scared to use an unfamiliar machine in front of their peers. Slides and sleds will draw more attention to them and may seem inaccessible. Chairs are more likely to be approachable and normal for an impaired child, as they may look more similar to their own equipment. This familiarity will cause less stress during an already stressful situation. 

5. … and they are easy to move and store.

Space can be limited in schools, and distances vast. Thankfully, using evacuation chairs as your emergency solution means you’re equipped with a tool that’s easy to move around campus, and effortless to store when not in use. Some, like our EZ Evacuation Chair, come with a rubberized tracks system to help the transporter use the chair down any staircase, helping them move more efficiently. Then, when not in use it folds up to a fraction of its size.

Can Your School Afford to be Without One?

Evacuation chairs ensure fast and safe evacuation for people with a range of mobility impairments, ensuring your emergency preparedness plan includes every student and meets legal requirements.

At Mobile stairlift, we’ve developed FDA-approved chairs that are cost-effective, without compromising on the safety of the user. Find out more about our EZ Evacuation Chairs and guarantee your entire school’s safety, in case of emergency..

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